Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Be nice, but shut up about it

Another day, another strange issue to report on the current state of public transportation in Canada's national capitol. I would suspect, however, that this $h!t happens everywhere that there are buses... and humans. You can tell who was spoiled rotten as a child and who was raised to have empathy for others by the way people comport themselves on a bus. The few bad apples cause so much distress to others by insisting that they inflict their bad habits, hygiene and personal taste on the masses. Attitude over any given situation is important in my eyes and how you react can make the difference. Underreacting is as bad as going ballistic over a little thing. Some people have no spine and would probably apologize for getting their blood on a killer's knife. Others take offense to such idiotic situations.

Occasionally, some poor sucker gets berated for just trying to be nice. Like the dude last night who immediately got out of his seat up front when a pregnant lady got on. At first I was thinking that this guy is one of the few who really care as this lady was relatively thin for her bloated stomach, but that soon changed to feeling bad for him as this beyach, who took the seat and then tore a piece off of him when he asked her how far along she was. It turned out that she was just fat that way. No good dead goes unpunished I guess.

One can just hope that karma would kick in sometime when she's stuffing her face with pizza pops. Not that I would wish her dead or anything like that, but maybe a hard piece of crust could break a tooth or some hot sauce could burn that ugly tongue. You know, a punishment that fits the crime.

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