Monday, February 28, 2011

Beware the poisoned apple on public transportation

OK, so I'm on the bus, it's a snowy dreary Monday and a quick scan reveals that there is only one seat left for me and it's next to a dead person. Half slouched over what WILL be my half of the seat is sleeping beauty and she's leaning on her back-pack. A firm nudge to the shoulder to get her to wake up was deap I nudged her again to no avail. Now it's time to get crafty...right arm pulls out the back-pack while the left pushes her over as my butt takes it's rightful place. Still no sign of life as I dump her back-pack on her lap which immediately tumbled to the floor. I would usually mumble something along the lines of "not my problem anymore", but my curiosity was more interested in finding the poison apple. Maybe there was a bite left for me so I could avoid the day as well.

A small voice inside me brought up the question of whether this person was in need of medical assistance, but that nanosecond passed as I remembered what day it was. If she wasn't cute I would never have tolerated my shoulder being used as a pillow and, of course, being the same shoulder that was violated by Brucy's bit and pieces last week, it was in need of some female attention. The only concern I had left was to occasionally verify that her drool wasn't flowing down my arm.

She began to show a little sign of life after the driver made a swift left and right to avoid a stalled car in the bus lane. Her eyes openned long enough to see her back-pack on the floor, pick it up and give me a dirty look for obviously being the guilty party in soiling her prized possession. Cute be damned, now it's time for some payback. Five minutes later we hit the first drop off area where about 10 to 15 % of the passengers get off and she is back to being sound asleep. As soon as the bus driver engaged warp 2 (warp 7 doesn't work in a snow storm) I timed my quick transfer to an adjacent seat just right to maximize her sudden loss of support. It took all of my strength to hold back a monster guffaw that wanted out, but I instead pretended to show concern for her back-pack that was now at my feet so I picked it up and waited for her to get control of her ipod before handing it back. I wasn't expecting, nor did I get any TY for the effort.

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