Monday, February 14, 2011


Some people need to go back to Elementary school. Remember learning how to stand in line and proceed one at a time! Apparently these rules in our society don't apply when you ride the bus. I got off of bus #1 and proceeded to the line for #2 and took my place like a good little boy, but when the bus came some kindergarten drop out decided to try and bypass the line and squeeze in near the front. Unfortunately for him, he tried to do so right in front of me...BIG MISTAKE! As we neared the door I quickly moved in front of him and blocked his path and proceeded to let everyone behind me get on first.

HARRUMP! Was the sound of victory that I heard behind me as that sweet elderly lady got on with a big smile. She saw the whole thing and quite enjoyed watching someone 6ft 220lbs put this jerkoff in his place. Excuse me! followed, but I remained well positioned to maximize this dudes hatred for me. I was hoping that once we were all on that he would have to stand, even if it meant I would have to as well, but to no avail. The bus driver also saw the whole thing unfold and didn't even look at my pass. He just smiled at me as these are the small things that help him get through his day. That and nudging sidewalks when people insist on eating while standing.

I hate buses for a reason: because stupid people ride them. When it's done right the ride can be okay, but the few inconsiderate, waste of oxygen, stinky, loudmouthed, butting in, ^%$#*^% A HOLES make the ride intolerable for the rest of us.

1 comment:

  1. There is always something that happens every day that makes me say, "I HATE PEOPLE!!"
