Tuesday, February 22, 2011


I had the privillege of sitting in the single seat right next to the driver this morning and I noticed something funny. Why is it that he gets to wear a seatbelt? The lady who ended up standing right in front of me would crash right through the window if a collision occurred, but the driver is protected. Why is it that the poorest of the masses has to ride in danger mode while the driver gets a belt?

Well that's all I have to say today. Check out this interesting link sent to me:

I agree with berating stinky riders and I believe that it is the driver's responsibility to remove anybody who is offensive. Some people absolutely reak of tobacco and never wash their cloths so it accumilates. I agree that the driver probably went too far, but I'm fed up with these scumbags who don't own a bar of soap.

Have a great day and if you stink, stay off the 9 and 45 today from 3:30 to 4:30.

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