Animals are territorial and humans are no different. As buses fill the poor bastards who get on last are stuck standing. Some, despite the numerous bellows from the driver to move to the rear, stick to their spot near the front like stubborn cattle. Eventually you end up with 15 people packed in like sardines in the first few yards and voids all the way to the back. I wanted to start early today so I jumped on the first bus that already had people standing. I don't care about the standing part, but the cow that completely blocked my path to greener pastures with her grain fed monstrosity of an ass and back pack no doubt filled with her daily cud kick started my creative juices for today's blog.
I finally got past her and I must admit I was quite rude about it. She readjusted her feed bag just in time to annoy the next passenger who had hopes of a simple spot where he could actually breath. I spent the next 20 minutes just staring at her hoping that I could make her head explode with my mind to no avail. I kept thinking to myself how satisfying it would be to just walk up and punch her in the face and I'm sure no judge would comvict me.
The idiots blocked by her were no smarter. Whipped by a society that frowns on standing up for yourself, they just stayed there and suffered the whole way. The fun part came near the end of my ride as passengers start to get off at their stops and she was one of the first. Instead of disturbing 3 people by taking the middle door, she waddled and crushed her way to the front leaving behind several wounded and many who will likely need psychological counselling to get over the trauma.
Karma! please kick in!!! Please let her fall under the wheels of the bus or at least have her slip on the sidewalk.... no luck. Oh well, there's always tomorrow.
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