Friday, February 25, 2011


I can't see how the bus system is saving the planet and this morning's ride is the best example. It wasn't all that cold outside but the middle door was extremely drafty so the driver had the heating on full blast. I was sitting just accross from the "Insta-freeze" contraption so I was frozen on one side and sweating bullets on the other...I HATE BUSES! ...have I ever mentioned that?

It became quite amusing after a while because people would get on and sit anywhere within 4 seats of this wonderful invention and immediately take off their hats, gloves and in the case of my new friend Brucy, his pink scarf. They are used to this routine as the equatorial temperatures on a bus in Canada during winter is standard policy, but today as fast as they came off did they go back on. Even the really big dude who stands at the bus stop with his jacket unzipped in -25 degree weather pulled his hood over his head.

The extra energy required to heat the bus must cost a fortune in extra fuel so I really wonder if mother nature is really benefiting. I felt like standing up halfway throught the ride and asking everyone to switch sides so we can cook the other half of our bodies, but I figured that that might attract cannibals looking for a quick ready to eat meal.

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